Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 Crack + Torrent For (Mac) Adobe Illustrator CC Crack is a useful graphic designing tool.This tool also provides you the lot of function that helps you to design creative illustrations and turn their ideas into reality. Use layer plug-ins (transformations spread over multiple layers) for animations and more for Illustrator 10, CS, CS2, CS3, and CS4. Andrew's Vector Plug-ins Volume 23 Zoomlines Zoomlines lets you create zoom lines, focus line designs, and dramatic zoom effects in Illustrator — great for manga comics designs, illustrations, and more.

VectorScribe technical specifications
Reposition Point Tool
- Move any selected point(s) along path to reposition
- Snap to Tangencies (with override option)
- Preview of potential path distortion
- Add or Smart Remove points direct in tool
- Marquee-select point(s)

- Improved panel access:
- Move selected Points to Tangencies
- Add points to selected segments providing full control and options
- Reverse path direction
- Redundant Point control
- Smart Smooth points
- Ghost Handles for quick and easy change from straight to curved segments
- Smart Smooth for automatically changing points to smooth status
- Drag any line or curve segment intuitively
- Smart remove selected points retaining the shape where possible
- Connector points – lock curve handle angles to joining straight segments
- Single-click conversion of single curve segments to straight lines
- Highlight, automatically or manually remove redundant points
- Easy selection/display of all points/handles
- Manipulate curve segment handles simultaneously
- Split all selected segments simultaneously
- Close path with option to keep end handles
- Extensive customisation through preferences
- Automatically display PathScribe Panel for first time tool use
- Additional PathScribe Panel configuration allowing user to show/hide additional v3 button row, numeric point/handle controls, Path Control area
Dynamic Shapes
- Create and detect standard shapes interactively
- Dynamic geometric shape types: Square / Circle / Rectangle / Ellipse / Polygon / Star / Donut
- Dynamic creative shape types: Arrow / Cloud / Crescent / Cross / Gear / Heart / Speech Bubble
- Convert non-dynamic geometric shapes into dynamic interactively, by selection or all artwork
- Easy editing of rectangles by click-dragging edges
- Rounded corners / chamfers may be applied at each corner or individually
- Each shape may be open or closed slices providing arcs and further shapes
- Set transformation origin using 9-block defaults or arbitrarily
- Expansion of shapes not required for editing outside tool
- Interactive and numeric control
- Dynamic shapes can also be used for text areas, image clipping masks, Live Paint, etc.
- 'Select > Dynamic Shape' menu selection method
Dynamic Corners
- Apply and detect corners interactively to any path or shape
- Corner types: Rounded / Negative rounded / Chamfer
- Methods: True (accurate radius) / Standard (Adobe method)
- Apply to straight and curve (Bézier) path segments
- Apply to one or more points simultaneously
- Convert non-dynamic rounded corners into dynamic interactively, by selection or all artwork
- Convert Adobe's round corner live effect to Dynamic
- Select similar radius corners
- Expansion of corners not required for editing outside tool
Smart Remove Brush Tool
- Interactively smart remove excessive points in selected paths
- Variable brush size
- Pressure-sensitive control with a graphic tablet
- Tolerance level to automate process
- Protect selected points
Extend Path Tool
- Quickly and interactively extend or trim any path
- Bezier curve extension methods: Single, Constant Radius, Straight, Spiral
- Reverse curvature of constant radius extension
- Snap to intersecting path on extend and trim
- Constrain length by multiples (total path length or change in length)
- Display lengths whilst editing (absolute or percentage)
Dynamic Measure
- Hover measure closed path area
- Measure anywhere on your artwork
- Toggle following information: distance/ angle/ change in horizontal/vertical distance/ distance along path
- Scaling factor
- Units of measurement
- Hover-measure information including: distance along path/ tangent angles/ radius of curve at any point
- Draw curve normals
- Extensive customisation through preferences
- Use standard Illustrator arrow-heads instead of fixed
Older stuff that only works through Adobe Illustrator version 8
Select Dashed/Un-dashed Paths plugin
Freeware: no payment necessary!
These 'Select Dashed' plugins (v. 7.0) add two options under 'Select' in the Filters menu in Adobe Illustrator 7.0 or above on a PowerPC Macintosh.
- Select Dashed Paths: selects all visible, unlocked dashed paths on visible, unlocked layers.
- Select Un-dashed Paths: selects all visible, unlocked non-dashed paths on visible, unlocked layers.
Requires Adobe Illustrator 7.0 or higher on Macintosh.
Select Open/Closed Paths plugin
Freeware: no payment necessary!
These 'Select...' plugins (v. 5.0) add two options under 'Select' in the Filters menu in Adobe Illustrator 5.0 or above on a Macintosh.
- Select Open Paths: selects all visible, unlocked open paths on visible, unlocked layers.
- Select Closed Paths: selects all visible, unlocked closed paths on visible, unlocked layers.
Requires Adobe Illustrator 5.0 through 8.0 on Macintosh.
Rotate Text/Untransform Text
Freeware: no payment necessary!
StuffIt 4.5 archive. This set includes two free plugins for Adobe Illustrator 5.0 through 8.0:
- Rotate Text:
- Adds items to the Text menu to rotate point text to 90, 60, 45, 0, -45, -60 or -90 degrees. Great for maps (that's what I wrote it for).
- Untransform Text:
- Adds 'Untransform Text' to the Text menu--removes transformations from point text such as rotation, shearing, etc.
Freebie filter plugin pack
Freeware: no payment necessary!
StuffIt 4.5 archive. This set includes three free plugins for Adobe Illustrator 5.0 through 8.0:
- Arrowheads:
- Creates arrowheads on the end of an open path, sized for 7 point type. Will optionally create a white halo behind it so it stands out from the background.
- Crop and Trim Marks:
- (I should have called it 'Trim and Bleed Marks') Creates trim and bleed marks on a selected rectangle or on the current document size.
- Square-Up:
- Takes almost-square lines and makes them truly horizontal and vertical. This is not as full-featured as the Square-Up plugin described above.
Here are six plugins I wrote for Docu-Net, Inc., available free with their permission.
Docu-Net, Inc. is a documentation company.
We make complex information easy to use.
120 Bishops Way, Suite 165
Brookfield, WI 53005
Isometric filter plugin
Freeware: no payment necessary!
Requires Adobe Illustrator 5.0 through 8.0 on Macintosh.
Isometric plugin (v. 5.0.1) adds an 'Isometric' item to the Filters menu in Adobe Illustrator 5.0 or above on a Macintosh. This is a 'must have' for technical illustrators! Under the Isometric menu, are the following options:
- Create Box: creates an isometric box with the height, width and depth you specify. You can select line weights for the outside lines and inside lines, whether to fill and whether to group the objects.
- Create Cylinder: similar to Create Box, but creates an isometric cylinder instead of the depth, diameter and orientation you choose.
- Project Left: projects selected paths and text to the left side, or X-Y plane.
- Project Right: projects selected paths and text to the right side, or Z-Y plane.
- Project Top from Left: projects selected paths and text to the top side, or X-Z plane, so that the geometry at the bottom of the art is aligned with the left, or X-Y surface.
- Project Top from Right: projects selected paths and text to the top side, or X-Z plane, so that the geometry at the bottom of the art is aligned with the right, or Z-Y surface.
- Rotate 120, Rotate -120, Rotate 180: rotates selected artwork to these useful specs.
- Flip Left-Right: flips selected art horizontally.

Select... filter plugins
Freeware: no payment necessary!
Requires Adobe Illustrator 5.0 through 8.0 on Macintosh.
These three 'Select...' plugins (v. 5.0) add three options under 'Select' in the Filters menu in Adobe Illustrator 5.0 or above on a Macintosh.
- Select Guides: selects all visible, unlocked guides on visible, unlocked layers.
- Select Text Objects: selects all visible, unlocked text objects on visible, unlocked layers.
- Select Paths: selects all visible, unlocked paths on visible, unlocked layers.
Line Weight filter plugins
Freeware: no payment necessary!
Requires Adobe Illustrator 5.0 through 8.0 on Macintosh.
These two menus add items in the 'Objects' menu under the Filters menu in Adobe Illustrator 5.0 or above on a Macintosh.
Illustrator For Mac Download

Illustrator Plugins For Mac Os
- Minimum Line Weight asks you for your minimum line weight, then parses the document for stroked lines with finer lines than that. If it finds any, it increases their weight to conform to your minimum.
- Scale Line Weight: scales the line weights of selected paths, but not the objects themselves, by the percentage you specify--sort of the opposite of scaling objects without scaling the line weight.