Mac OS X Mavericks tutorial: Setting up accounts for Mail, Calendar, and Contacts - Duration: 8:23. LinkedIn Learning 56,939 views. Os yosemite free download - Apple Mac OS X Yosemite, Apple OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Supplemental Update, Yosemite ScreenSaver, and many more programs. An OS X Yosemite Theme for Alfred. Posted on Thu 12th June, 2014. With Apple's exciting announcement of OS X Yosemite due in autumn, bringing some lovely visual improvements to your Mac, we thought we would create a beautiful new Yosemite-inspired theme. Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10 - Theme for Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10 Download: Don't forget to like this video.;) Post your comments below. Now, with OS El Capitan (10.11) announced for Fall 2015, we decided to halt all further development on Flavours, and release Flavours 2 Lite bundled with a hand picked fine selection of 128 themes for OS X Yosemite.
With Apple's exciting announcement of OS X Yosemite due in autumn, bringing some lovely visual improvements to your Mac, we thought we would create a beautiful new Yosemite-inspired theme for Alfred for you to download.
How to get the look
Install the Yosemite theme for Alfred v2 (You'll need the Powerpack for custom themes).
Simply click on the link above and the Alfred preferences will pop up to the theme tab. Click the 'import' button and you'll be up and running with the new theme.
You can fine tune the theme in the Appearance preferences, go to the theme Options tab and tweak your visual settings to hide the Alfred hat and the preferences cog. The result subtext is also hidden in the screenshot above, which makes Alfred nice and clean looking.
A fuzzy touch
Want the slick blur effect from the screenshot above? In Alfred 2.4, duplicate the Yosemite theme and customise it by turning down the opacity of the background. Then go to the Appearance Options and turn up the window blur to match the OS X Yosemite look.
Customising the theme
This theme was created using Alfred's theme editor in the preferences, so don't forget that once you've imported the theme, you can tweak it as you like. Whether you prefer a different colour, rounder corners or a larger look, you can make the theme your own.
In the theme preferences, here's how you can change the theme:
- Hold the Cmd key and hover over the various text and window areas to increase their size if you'd like a larger theme. Alternatively, hover over the corners to change the roundness.
- Hold the Alt key to change fonts or Ctrl to change all theme fonts to the one you're hovering over.
- Click anywhere on the theme to change the colour of text, backgrounds or separator lines.Feeling inspired?
You can find numerous themes and share your own on Packal, a user-created Alfred workflows and themes site by Shawn Rice, as well as in the Alfred forum's themes section.
Posted in Tips and Tricks, tagged with Themes, OS X Yosemite
Check compatibility
Os X Yosemite Theme For Mac Osx
You can upgrade to OS Yosemite on any of the following Mac models. Your Mac also needs at least 2GB of memory and 8GB of available storage space.
MacBook introduced in 2009 or later, plus MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008)
MacBook Air introduced in late 2008 or later
MacBook Pro introduced in mid 2007 or later
Mac mini introduced in early 2009 or later
iMac introduced in mid 2007 or later
Mac Pro introduced in early 2008 or later
Xserve models introduced in early 2009
To find your Mac model, memory, storage space, and macOS version, choose About This Mac from the Apple menu . If your Mac isn't compatible with OS X Yosemite, the installer will let you know.
Make a backup
Before installing any upgrade, it’s a good idea to back up your Mac. Time Machine makes it simple, and other backup methods are also available. Learn how to back up your Mac.
Mac Os X Yosemite Theme For Windows 10

Get connected
It takes time to download and install OS X, so make sure that you have a reliable Internet connection. If you're using a Mac notebook computer, plug it into AC power.
Download OS X Yosemite
For the strongest security and latest features, find out whether you can upgrade to macOS Catalina, the latest version of macOS.
If you still need OS X Yosemite, use this link: Download OS X Yosemite. A file named InstallMacOSX.dmg will download to your Mac.
Install the macOS installer
Mac Os X Yosemite 10.10
Double-click the downloaded file to open a window showing its contents. Then double-click the file within, named InstallMacOSX.pkg.
Follow the onscreen instructions, which will guide you through the steps necessary to install.
Begin installation
After installation of the installer is complete, open the Applications folder on your Mac, then double-click the file named Install OS X Yosemite.
Click Continue and follow the onscreen instructions. You might find it easiest to begin installation in the evening so that it can complete overnight, if needed.
Allow installation to complete
Please allow installation to complete without putting your Mac to sleep or closing its lid. Your Mac might restart, show a progress bar, or show a blank screen several times as it installs both OS X and related updates to your Mac firmware.

Learn more
- OS X Yosemite won't install on top of a later version of macOS, but you can erase your disk first or install on another disk.
- You can use macOS Recovery to reinstall macOS.